This term we start the day with a Jump Jam session every morning. Mrs Moore leads us in an energising workout, moving and grooving to the beat of songs such as "We Like to Move It, Move It" and "The Coconut Song". A great way to start the day!
Wow - George and Max try out the new computers in the library that have been purchased by the school PTA. We are so lucky to have a great PTA who have donated money to our school to purchase computers for students use - thank you very much!!
The West Melton School Year 5-8 choir, led by Moira McKendry and Amanda Haywood, performed at the Christchurch Music Festival last Thursday 15 October in the Town Hall Auditiorium, as part of a large massed school choir. The students sang from the repertoire of songs they have been learning throughout the year, which included When Tomorrow Comes, Kuna Karamu, E Papa Waiari and The Earth We Share. The choir had to learn the lyrics to all the songs, and many of the songs had very challenging rhythms and 'high-eyebrow' notes! Well done to all the students who volunteered to be part of the choir and represent our school at this wonderful music festival. You are great examples of the West Melton Way!
Pictured: The choir outside the Town hall after the day practise last Thursday; Eating McDonalds or Subway for lunch after the rehearsal; the school choirs on stage.
West Melton School now has a Kapa Haka group, led by tutors Matua Travis, Matua Norman and Whaea Brooke. The first Kapa Haka teaching session was held on Friday afternoon in the school library. Keen students from Year 0-8 involved themselves in the hour long teaching sessions and the students have already learnt several routines and waiata. Thanks to the school PTA for funding the tutors for this term, and special thanks to Maree O-Boyle for her determination to provide this opportunity for our students.
Mr D organised a vist from Up, Up and Away Hot Air Balloon adventure tours to kickstart the term. The crew demonstrated how the hot air balloon is filled with hot air from the gas burner, while the whole school viewed from the perimeter of the field. Unfortunately the West Melton wind was not cooperative and the balloon was not able to be flown - however several students were able to experience standing in the the basket and using the gas burner. Even though it didn't fly, it was still a great experience for all children to view the sheer size of a hot air balloon!!
On the last day of term 3 the PTA held a mufti day to raise money to buy lollies for lolly trees that will be on sale during the Christmas Wonderland. Thank you to all the children who dressed up in red and green or in fancy Christmas costume. Santa would be proud!! Pictured: Grace and Ally get into the mufti day spirit.