The University of Cantebury currently has four teacher trainees on placement at West Melton School. Part of their requirements are to teach their respective classes for a period of 12 consecutive days. All of the trainees are enthusaistic and are having very successful teaching placements in conjunction with their mentor teachers (associates). Miss Green(LC5) : "I have found WM School to be very welcoming and I'm enjoying working with Ms McKendry and the great children in LC5." Miss Jemison(LC9): "It's been fantastic to be at WM School and work with wonderful LC9. Maree is a very supportive and caring associate and I'm learning so much from her and my class." Miss Millar(LC3): "I'm enjoying the challenge of Year 7/8 and love how their indepth knowledge challenges my thinking." Ms Phillipson(LC6): "Im really excited to be working with the great children in LC6 and their wonderful teachers Mrs McHarg and Mrs Cockburn. This is a happy classroom with a lot of awesome learning happening. I am learning lots too!!!"
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