The 2011 Moa Team Speech Competition was an entertaining and informative event. Congratulations to the following winners!
1st Charlotte D Earthquakes
2nd Jorja-Rose P Whales
3rd Nick P Elephants
Yr 5/6
1st Leah P Benefits of Play at School
2nd Ally T Give Us Theme Parks in the South
3rd Esther B Buy Burglar Alarms!
Yr 7/8
1st Toni M Let’s Move QEII
2nd Daphne O We Need Younger Drivers
3rd Nicole C Say No to Whaling
Thank you to our very experienced adjudicators Yvonne and Robert Overton, who provided valuable feedback to the competitors about the importance of making an initial impact, and the effective use of cue cards. Yvonne and Robert also remarked that the overall standard was high and the final points tallies very close, particularly in the Year 7/8 section.
Thank you to parents for supporting the finalists by being part of the audience
Finally, thanks and congratulations to all the finalists for their wonderful achievements in having made the finals.