Celebration of Learning - Term 1 Week 7
Celebration of Learning - Term 1 Week 7
Friday 18 March 2016
This weeks Celebration of Learning was hosted by the Moa Team.
A 'Whole School Wrap Up' was introduced by Mason, Elli & Jackson. They briefly talked about the school had got up to since the last assembly.
Daisy & Jed talked about how busy the Enviro Group has been.
Mrs V and Mrs Jackson reveal which role our senior students have been selected for....
Here are or 2016 Librarians!
Our next big group are the new Eco-Warriors. Congratulations!
Congratulations to our new Office assistants.
Here are our PE Shed monitors - the important job of distributing the gear at lunchtime.
Our new Peer Mediators.
Molly , Eliza and India are taking on the job of Flag Monitors.
Daisy will be our student reporter!
Max and Oliver will be our go to technicians.
Congratulations to our Lincoln Zone Swimmers who recently participated at the Lincoln Zone Swimming at the Selwyn Aquatic Centre.
Congratulations to our WMS Swimming Cup Champs!
Congratulations to our 5 lucky e-ticket winners who have won tickets to the movies!

Wow! Amazing art work Moa's!!
The colourful faces and buildings are inspired by James Rizzi.
The Moa team finished of with our school song.
Fantastic assembly Moa's!!