Friday 19 August 2016

Inspirational Quotes from WMI

Inspirational Quotes from WMI

WMI were given the challenge of watching Toy Story and coming up with life lessons they felt were being taught. They then picked the life lesson that meant the most to them and create a digital poster that would be put up around the school to encourage others.

Students then wrote a "why they picked this life lesson and what it means to them". Here are some below:

Believe in who you are 
Reason: I chose the life lesson "believe in who you are" is because I have had to do that before. Somebody had told me that I couldn't do something and I was sad for a while but I had to believe in who I was and keep on trying. I think that the word "Believe" is a pretty strong word. It might be the solution to a lot of things.

In the story Woody said that Buzz was not a space ranger and that he was a toy, and he wasn't sent on a mission to save the planet. Woody also said that he could not fly. Buzz didn't believe him and even though he realised that he was a toy he proved Woody wrong and flew at the end of the movie and he said he was just "falling in style"!

I also liked how Buzz said he was falling in style. I want to try and fall in style too, but I think I will fail.

To Infinity and Beyond
I picked to Infinity and Beyond because I think that you shouldn't let someone or something get in the way of achieving your goals/dreams. That your only limit is yourself so aim high! In the movie when Buzz realised he couldn't fly he proved everybody wrong in the end and reached his goal!! I think that in the future this quote will come in very handy.

Look out for these posters around the school!