AtoL - Assess to Learn Contract.
This week all teaching staff have attended two after school sessions with Steve Edwards from the AToL Contract. Staff have been learning and applying assessment strategies related to student writing, and reviewing the use of learning intentions/success criteria in the classroom. This has been the first of many workshops WM School teaching staff will be involved with throughout the year as part of the ATol Contract.
Pictured: 1. Mrs Sinclair and Miss Green (trainee teacher) take notes whilst Steve Edwards (background) provides 'food for thought' related to assessment practices.
2. Steve uses the whiteboard to reinforce key points during an after school assessment workshop.
This week all teaching staff have attended two after school sessions with Steve Edwards from the AToL Contract. Staff have been learning and applying assessment strategies related to student writing, and reviewing the use of learning intentions/success criteria in the classroom. This has been the first of many workshops WM School teaching staff will be involved with throughout the year as part of the ATol Contract.
Pictured: 1. Mrs Sinclair and Miss Green (trainee teacher) take notes whilst Steve Edwards (background) provides 'food for thought' related to assessment practices.
2. Steve uses the whiteboard to reinforce key points during an after school assessment workshop.