Sunday 14 February 2010

School Triathlon

Last Thursday we held our school triathlon. The Kiwi team raced before lunch and the Moa team in the afternoon
During the morning triathlon, all of the Kiwi children competed in the swimming, biking and running individual
events. The senior class and parents assisted with guiding the children to the various disciplines and it was great to
hear the Moa Team children encouraging the children around the course.
After lunch the individual events were held, with students completing a set number of lengths of the pool, circuits
of Westview Crescent on bikes and running laps of the field depending on the age of the competitor. It was fantastic
to see the determination of the students to complete the activities in the quickest time possible. The team events
followed, with some great collaborative efforts amongst the students. Finally, selected staff competed against the
11 year old + competitors and this proved a novel way to end the day's proceedings.
A big thank you to parents who assisted on the course, and a special thank you to Miss Kate Meyer who organised
the course and competitors, and ensured the event ran smoothly.