LC5's Assembly
Welcome to our new students in LC6.
Well done to everyone who took part in the Canterbury Cross Country this week. We heard that you got very muddy!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Gymnastics Competition this week.
Happy birthday to everyone who has celebrated their special day in the past two weeks.
Well done to all of our wonderful KC Kids. You truly deserve your certificates!
As always, there's lots to celebrate at assembly. Here are our Mathletics Gold Certificate recipients.
Here is our "Mathlete" of the Week.
Our Whero whanau leaders announce the whanau points.
1st place: Whero
2nd place: Kakariki
3rd place: Kikorangi
4th place: Kowhai
Our X-Factor Winners - your performances were amazing!
Kiwi Team: Nicola
Pukeko Team: Saskia
Moa Team: Jamie
A message from our PALs (Physical Activity Leaders)
If any children in Years 1-3 would like to practise some netball skills, please meet our PALs on the front court at Long Play next Wednesday.