Monday 15 August 2016

Eco Warriors BoT Presentation

Eco Warriors BoT Presentation

Monday 15th August 2016

Our Eco Warriors were invited to share their Bike Track Planting Plan and Proposal to the Board of trustees.

Oliver S presented their work so far, in a folder.  They had to think about how planting will help retain the banks around the bike track and cope with NW winds and also creating soft landing areas. They also explained how they chose the plants to attract bird life.

There would also be sculptures made out corrugated iron representing each team, plus log seats carved out of tree stumps by the gate so children could wait for parents.
They would also be planting five apple trees. 

The students did an amazing job presenting their plan and the Bot were impressed with their work so far.

This has been developed as part of Liz Coster's role as an Enviro leader and towards West Melton attaining a Silver Enviro Award.

Well done Oliver, Elissa C and Sophia V!

Thank you to Emma Smith for taking these great photos!