Monday 23 February 2009

Bushfire green and gold mufti day

“What can we do to help?” This was the question West Melton School Year 5-6 teacher Shane Dawson asked himself after viewing the devastation in the wake of the Australian bushfires. Raising money to send to the victims of this months Victoria bushfires seemed an obvious way to support the cause. Mr Dawson organised a school wide ‘Green and Gold” mufti day. Children from throughout the school were encouraged to wear green and gold clothing on Friday 13th, and bring a gold coin donation. Children arrived wearing all manor of clothing, including bright green wigs and green and gold face paint and West Melton School raised a staggering $610, to be forwarded to the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal.
Mr Dawson was blown away with the generosity of so many of the children and their families. “We’ve had five year olds saying they’ve emptied their piggybank to give all their money, and many donations of $10 or more. The bushfire disaster has really struck a chord with so many people, and this is our small way of showing our support for the victims of this horrendous tragedy.”
Photo 1: A selection of students in their green and gold clothing from year 0-8
Photo 2: Sarah and Jessica get into the spirit of green and gold mufti day

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