Wednesday 4 November 2009

Old Boy visits West Melton School - Head Boy at Riccarton High School 2009

Head boy from Riccarton High School visits his old primary school

Jeremy Wilson, Head Boy at Riccarton High School, visited West Melton School and spoke to the Year 4-8 pupils about how his primary schooling had prepared him for his years at secondary school. The pupils were able to ask Jeremy questions related to starting high school, and the most memorable times he had at West Melton School. “My best memories are definitely the great teachers, making so many friends, and enjoying the fabulous playing areas and the big swimming pool!”
Jeremy was a pupil at West Melton School from Year 0-8 and believes that the best years of his schooling were definitely the Year 7-8 years, when he could participate in all the leadership activities, such as being a house team leader, and fostering close friendships with his peers. “Being involved in leadership activities definitely prepared me for my leadership roles at Riccarton High School as Head Boy.”
Jeremy was accompanied on his visit to West Melton by the Principal at Riccarton High School, Phil Holstein.