Thursday 19 November 2009

Year 4 camp at Living Springs

On the first day of camp we went to Clip 'n Climb. We all manged to climb up many challenging climbing walls and some children even managed to climb the wall "Steps to Heaven" blind folded!! We had lunch at Victoria Park and either played on the playground or participated in the cricket game on the field. When we arrived at Living Springs the activities manager and host, Grant, welcomed us to camp and then we unpacked our gear in our bunk rooms. We then worked in our groups to complete the orienteering course. Team King took out the award for the fastest time! Our tea was in the dining area and it was delicious! We completed our day with a Living Springs talk and a swim in the indoor heated pool!! After a good nights sleep we had breakfast and then headed out for a bush walk with a guide. We saw native trees and birds, including several wood pigeons! We then carried on to the Farm Park, where everyone got to have a pony ride and see a cow being milked. Sarah, Grayson, Danny, Grace, George B and Becky got to have a turn at milking the cow by hand! We had a BBQ lunch at lunchtime with ice-cream!! We then had a lesson about how to crack a whip, and Campbell, Ally, Paige and Ben had a turn. Zane, our Farm Park host, then gave a demonstration about how to use a lasso, and Jack, who attempted to be a raging bull, was lassoed in full flight! We also had a sheep shearing demonstration, and Jeremy and Elena had a turn at using the hand piece to shear the sheep. In the shearing shed we also had a sheep dog talk before heading out to cheer for our favourite sheep in the sheep race. We then headed back to camp on the long walk up the hill. In our recreation time we were able to go on the go-karts, the monorail, the flying fox and the mini golf. Mrs Jackson visited us and loved watching us on the waterside!! After tea many of the parents arrived to watch our Camp Idol concert in the auditorium. The camp helper parents did a funny show dressed in pyjamas, and Mrs Quinn and Mrs Haywood dressed up in school uniform with pigtails! On the last day we had to do some cleaning, before heading off to the Initiatives Course. We worked in groups to complete lots of challenging team building activities. After lunch and a final turn at some of the recreation activities we headed home in the bus, driven by Pania. We had some great parents helpers on our trip. "Mrs Bakker went fast on the flying fox!" "Mr Cullen looked a bit funny trying to ride a pony!" "Mrs Silva gave me confidence to do all the recreation activities" "Mr Spinks used the lasso but he couldn't quite do it!!" "Mrs Dachs helped all of the slow-coaches at the back to get up the hill!!" "Mr King looked funny in nappies in the Camp Idol concert!" "Mrs Holland ran fast with the monorail to get it back to the top." "Mrs McKay timed me eating my dinner and she gave me seconds!" "Mrs Austin, the girl's bunk room hairstylist, used her hairdryer to dry our hair after our swim before we went to bed." "Mrs Quinn was stretching chewing gum out of her mouth and then eating it again in the Camp Idol concert!" "Mrs Haywood used boy's deodorant for a microphone and sprayed it under her arms while singing!"