Thursday 6 May 2010

Joshua Foundation Leadership Training Year6-8

Year6-8 pupils have just spent the past week engaged in a variety of leadership activities under the guidance of Chirs Allen from The Joshua Foundation. Pupils were involved in a myriad of activities which focused on team building and developing leadership skills as part of a developing leadership programme of work. Chirs Allen commented that the pupils were highly receptive to the prgoramme and were readily involved insupporting each other and developing confidence in unfamiliar situations that ofteninvolved 'thinking outside the square'. The 4 day programme of work concluded with a
raft building exercsie, where pupils were split into two teams and challenged
to make a raft that would sail across the pool to deliver and
receive a number of large objects.
Pictured: Photo 1 Dylan Simpson-Mabey and Sam Robinson aboard the
blue team' raft sailing to retrieve the first object.
Photo 2: Toni McKee, Kate Jenkins and Gemma Waters attempting to
get to the other side of the pool on their raft primarily constructed of tyres.
The winning team was eventually the blue team.