Thursday 6 May 2010

Space Camp Visitor speaks to Kiwi and Moa Team, plus Writers Group

Steve Hurd, a pupil at Cashmere High School, visited our school and
talked about his experience on 'Space Camp', which he attended from
26March - 14 April. Steve was fortunate to go to the Huntsville Space Centre
in Alabama and attend the Advanced Space Academy, along with 30
fellow students from around the world.
Steve shared a Powerpoint slideshow of photographs and ancedotal information
about his trip, and pupls were able to ask questions about his experiences.
Some of the noteworthy points of interest were facts Steve learnt from astronauts,
which included astronauts needing to wear nappies as they cant' use the toilet
in zero gravity conditions. The students particulalty liked this point of interest!
Steve spoke to the Junior School, Middle/Senior School and the school Writer's
Club. The Writer's Club asked questions and used clipboards to record the
answers - just like real jouranalists!