Friday 11 June 2010

Writer's Club success

Congratulations to budding writers at West Melton
School who won prizes in the recent Mother's Day
Writing Competition held by the West Melton News.
Entries from Madeleine McCully, Andrew Rider and
Sophie Ilton (all of which featured on the front page of
the WM News!) were written during a Writer's Club
session at school, and two other entries (Nicole
Cochrane and Toni McKee) were written during class
writing sessions at school. Elena Bakker's poem was also
a winning entry, and was written in rhyme!
It is great to see our young authors getting their writing
published. We are sure all the winning students will
enjoy spending their reward vouchers! Thank you to
Mrs Haywood for motivating students to enter the
competition, and also for submitting the entries.
Special thanks to the West Melton News for supplying
such generous book voucher prizes for the winning
entries. Those students who submitted an entry but
were not winners were all given a chocolate consolation
prize. West Melton School appreciates this kind gesture
as a form of encouragement for our bidding writers.