Tuesday 3 December 2013

5 February 2014 New Entrants' second pre-school visit

A very warm welcome to our 5 February 2014 New Entrant children!

13 smiley faces arrived at school this morning for their second pre-school visit.

The children settled quickly into some alphabet activities.

Finnian, Joseph and Molly did an excellent job completing their work...  

Judd brought an amazing turtle for Alphabet News...

Finnian worked carefully, with fantastic results...

Tess worked quietly and conscientiously...

Lachlan, Thomas and Matua made a great working team...

Kendra and Mitchell were excellent listeners...

Bede worked quietly and happily...

Holly was one of the first to finish, so played with the food and money...

Mrs Cider read "The New Cat" during Feed and Read time, while the children enjoyed their morning tea...

It was a very special day for Finnian, who turned five today!

The children also stayed for lunch, so had the opportunity to meet other children at our school.

They left shortly afterwards with a school "goody bag" containing some holiday reading books, some alphabet resources, some writing that they had done, and a notice for parents containing lots of information about West Melton School.  Each child was also given a Christmas card containing a special Christmas treat :)

We're looking forward to seeing all of these wonderful children back at school on 5 February :)