Monday 12 October 2015

Dancing Queen!

Dancing Queen!

Isabel V., a Y5 student, competed in the 67th Marlborough Performing Arts Annual Festival in Blenheim, in September 2015. 

She had been asked to be part of a team to represent the Selwyn School of Dance.  Dancing in 4 classes including classical ballet Giselle, national character Indian Bharatanatyam & musical theater Annie (stepped in last minute to support group which was lots of fun).

Isabel said "This means learning new dances, lots of practice & time before the actual performance which I find nerve racking but then afterwards feel really happy, excited & pleased."

She had a successful trip with 2 x Very Highly Commended, 1 x Highly Commended and share of 1st place trophy.

How impressed are we with Isabel's ballet achievements!