Friday, 26 February 2016

Whanau Chant Off!!

Whanau Chant Off!!

The Whanau Chant Off was on!
Each Whanau now has a new chant which they all learnt after the Celebration of Learning.
It was loud and very proud of their Whanau!


 Langdale & Ross 




 Selwyn & Ross & Tricketts


Picnic with the Principal - Term 1 Week 4

Picnic with the Principal - Term 1 Week 4 

Congratulations to these lucky learners who not only won movie tickets but also Picnic with the Principal!!


Celebration of Learning - Term 1 Wk 4

Celebration of Learning - Term 1 Wk 4

Friday 26 February 2016

The WMS Intermediates started the first Celebration of Learning for the year with an enthusiastic Jump Jam.

 Even the teachers were doing it!

 The Intermediates showed through role modeling on how to be good West Melton School citizens,

 and using your 'super powers' to help each other.

 Congratulations to our Moa Duathlon Cup Champs!

 These fantastic learners have won themselves movie tickets by gaining e-tickets.

 Miss Allchurch, Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Cider talk about their challenge this year in doing the Oxfam 100km walk.

Mrs V announces that each Whanau house has a new chant, and we are going to have a chant off!!!

2016 WMS Duathlon Cup Champs

2016 WMS Duathlon Cup Champs

Friday 26 February 2016

Congratulations to our inaugural  WMS Duathlon Cup Champions.

Junior Girls Cup Champion - Isla McP
Senior Girls Cup Champion - Lisa H
Senior Boys Cup Champion - Jed McC
 Junior Boys Cup Champion - Aydan S

Congratulations on your achievement!

Writers Awards - Friday 26 February 2016

Writers Awards

Friday 26 February 2016

Congratulations to Amy on her fantastic writing.  Amy has written an amazing story about a girl who has found her Grandfather.

Awesome work Amy!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Moa School Swimming Champs

Moa School Swimming Champs

Thursday 25 February 2016

Another brilliant day for the Moa Swimming Champs.  It was wonderful to see all the students swimming, either as a one length non-champ or two length champs.
Congratulations to all who have qualified for the Lincoln Zone Swimming in March.
Thank you to all our Parent Helpers on the day, your skills with a stop watch was on time!

Thank you to George T for taking these amazing photos!

Monday, 22 February 2016

22 February 2016

22 February 2016

At 12.51pm West Melton School paid their respect by lowering their flag to half mast and taking a minutes silence.

Our learners showed their respect and did not talk during this time.

Kia Kaha Christchurch!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Y4 Camp at Living Springs

Y4 Camp at Living Springs

The Y4 students also had a bush walk, learnt to fire a gun and had fun on the coaster.

It's great to see everyone enjoying themselves and having fun!

Photos taken by Mr D.