Friday 20 May 2016

Pink Shirt Day!

Pink Shirt Day!

Friday 20th  May 2016

What a great way to end the first Bullying Free NZ Week with a Pink Shirt Day. There was fusion of pink in a variety of shades.  Pink Shirt day is an international anti-bullying day and all our learners participated in a variety of anti-bullying activities.  We encouraged our learners to stand up against bullying and to promote positive relationships within our school.The Pukeko Team also did "string theory" and made giant pink t-shirts.


The Pukeko Team with "string theory", an activity to encourage compliments and making connections. 

 And finished the day with large pink t-shirt boards covered in slogans i.e. "It's cool to be kind!"

Speak up.
Stand together.
Stop bullying.