Principal & Writers Awards - Term 1 Week 6
At the back:
Jackson B - Totora Community For a detailed and ordered recount. Demonstrating great use of descriptive language and correct paragraphing. Well done!
Eimi M - Totora Community – For writing a detailed and interesting thank you letter. You used paragraphs correctly and ordered your ideas. Well done!
Emma M – Totora Community – Writing a recount demonstrating effective paragraphing, interesting descriptive words and ordered sequence of events. Well Done Emma!
At the front:
William J - Kauri Community – William is a star writer in the Kauri Community. He always has lots of interesting ideas to include in his writing and likes to share his stories with others.
Lewi R - Kauri Community – Fantastic writing skills! Lewi can hear and record lots of sounds in words. He always writes interesting stories.
Sophia S – Kauri Community – Sophia has excellent knowledge of alphabet letters and
sounds. She is able to hold her ideas in
her head and record the dominant sounds in words, in order. She leaves finger spaces between her words
and always puts a full stop at the end of her sentences! Well done Sophia!
Saskia P - Ti Kouka Community Well thought out and presented thank you letter. Great use of paragraphing to order your
ideas. Well Done!