Thursday 11 September 2014

Letter to a Grandparent

Letter to a Grandparent

Tuesday 8th September
West Melton School
Weedons Ross Road

Dear Narnie, 
            At West Melton School we are having Grandparents' Day I would love it if you could attend it. It will be held on Wednesday 17th September from 12 onwards. I liked interviewing you and learning about all the places you have visited and what happened in your childhood.

When you were younger was there something special you had? Could you bring it into class to share with my class?

You can stay for a shared picnic during my lunchtime if you would like. Could you please bring any photos, an old school uniform, toys from your childhood, or anything that might be of interest to us.

Did you have any special toys when you were younger?
How much did they cost? How much did it cost to go to school?

I hope you will be able to make it. Please write back if you can.
