Friday 17 June 2016

The Kiwi's @ Willowbank

The Kiwi's @ Willowbank

Thursday 16th June 2016

As part of the Kiwi Team science program, the Kiwi Team learners had a field trip to Willowbank.
This term their learning inquiry has been - H2O - Go. Power Up.
The focus has been on -
The world has limited resources - how the use of water affects humans and animals.
Investigating animals and how water affects their environments and lives.

With the help of parents they set off to explore and learn at Willowbank.
It was a wonderful day getting up close to the animals, feeding them and petting were one of the highlights of the day!

 (This photo taken by Lexie Turnham)

Thank you to all the parent helpers who helped on the day.