Tuesday 23 March 2010

LC3 camp to Whitecliffs

The best thing about camp was
Having fun with my friends like Daphne and sleeping in and hanging out with the parents.
The best activity on camp
That would be going to and doing old cemetery stuff like being in the forest walking and also hanging out with shadow (the cat).
My favourite place on camp
Would be going to the river because it’s all calm and relaxing and also lots of swimming.
Something that I did on camp that I not do at home
Maybe sleeping in tents and sleeping on the stretchers and maybe also getting to bike on the road.
The funniest moment
Maybe when I accidently ate a fly when I was eating dinner. It landed on my food and when I woke up everyone said I looked like I was a zombie .
Someone I got to better on camp
Gemma /the parents and Mrs Busch. I got to know Gemma better because I slept with her and we were in the same tent.
If I could change anything it would be
To let people sleep in and having a talent contest and more free time.
For me my best memory
eating black berries
By Chloe Constable